Its interventions are directed towards individuals and communities regardless of ethnic origin, race, gender, religion or political opinion.
Since its creation in January 2017, AVID has combined its efforts to enhance women's leadership and rights in establishing social justice through multiple activities and innovative actions on the ground.
AVID's Vision is to bring positive change within local communities through Innovative approaches and actions. Thus, the emphasis is on the human relationship as a driving link for the transfer of skills between AVID members and the populations called to benefit from our know-how. This is an important value for the association.
Our approach to sustainable development is participatory through creativity and innovation.
Since its creation, the organization Action des Volontaires d'Innovation pour le Développement, has set itself the mission of gradually supporting women and young people and raising awareness among all members of the community in the process of research and maintenance of peace and sustainable development.
Areas of Intervention
To achieve its objectives, AVID intervenes in the following areas:

Leadership et entrepreneuriat des jeunes et des femmes

Droits des peuples autochtones, minorités ethniques et personnes marginalisées

Agriculture, Pêche et Elevage à travers des approches innovantes

Cohabitation pacifique et cohésion sociale

Protection de l'Environnement et Changement Climatique

Santé publique

Recherche Action Participative

Droits humains, Démocratie et Bonne gouvernance

Education à la NTIC

Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive
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